Saturday, 30 May 2015

Circular No 708

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 30 of May 2015 No. 708
Dear Friends,
On the 24 of May we had the first official meeting in El Tigre, on the Eastern side of Venezuela.
The following Oldboys were invited;
Frank Malaver  (Coordinator of the event)
Ladislao Kertesz
Edgar Moffie
Carlos Dvorak
Roberto Farcheg
Luciano Mellone  Excused
Alfredo Seaforth Excused
Fabio Amici Excused
Simon Farcheg (did not make it due to health)
Adolfo Aumaitre (had problem with transportation)
Inocente Malaver (unknown reason)
Carlos Malaver (was travelling in Margarita)
Elias Farcheg (prior engagement)
The reunion took place at a small resort, see the photo.
We had a great time, and shall get together again in November
Here I include part II of the CARLOS KORDA / HOEFLE story, right after Don Mitchell´s Ad. Hahaha-  Please comply-
Mar 18
Dear Alumni,
If you have not recently given Ladislao an update on where you are living, how many children, and how many grandchildren, etc, please do so now at  
He always wants school-days photos for the Circular. Any newer ones showing you, preferably before you lost your hair and gained your stomach, would be welcome too :-)
Please copy the photos to Kazim at for the records as well.  He puts them on the website at or
Tommy Jardim has departed us.
Glen Mckoy
May 20
Thank you for the email Nigel.  God Bless Our Brother –
Yours Faithfully Glen.
 Subject: Re: Tommy Jardim
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 07:19:00 -0400
Thanks for the news, Val.
I never knew Tommy, but of course, I’d heard about him since I was a boy at MSB.
He’s in a much better place now, thank God, and we’ll see him again some day.
May his soul rest in peace.
On May 14, 2015, at 7:58 PM,
Val <> wrote:
Arthur's good school buddy...from Mt. St. Benedict, Tommy Jardim passed away peacefully on Monday, May 11th.
Another old boy with the Good Lord!
We just came back from the visitation and his wife Joan, and his six daughters were in good spirits as they know he was at peace.
All the best,
Clarificacion sobre Carlos Korda.
Attila GYURIS <>
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 3:22:49 PM
No sabia los detalles...
Como vi unas fotos en uno de los circulares de Ladislao de una reunion en un restaurante en Caracas donde estaban Urbano Von Fedak, y Ladislao Kertesz y tambien vi a Gabriel Hoefle, entre otros mas etc, yo pense que fue una de las reuniones que tuvieron donde tu tambien eabas. Bueno, no importa.
Entonces, tal vez Ladislao Kertesz. nos puede ayudar con esto, preguntandole a Gabriel Hoefle para clarificar lo del apellido Korda vs Hoefle y lo de Carlos Korda, hijo del viejo Francisco Korda. (?)
(El papa de Carlos Korda, se llamaba Francisco Korda (R.I.P.), uno de los dueños de Korda Modas.)
En fin... re-leyenedo tu email; me doy cuenta de que hay una confusión con lo de Carlos Dvorak y los Korda (Hoefle) y entre Korda Modas y Casa Dvorak.
Las tiendas de ropa Korda Modas hay una en el centro, habia una Sabana Grande, habia una en la Francisco de Miranda (creo) y algunas en el interior, pero ninguna en Chacao.  Nunca hubo un Korda Modas en Chacao.....Lo que habia en Chacao era un negocio de antiguedades llamado CASA DVORAK (por la cual yo estaba preguntando)... que no tenia nada que ver con Korda Modas.
Es mas, estoy casi seguro que las dos familias: los Hoefle (Korda) y los Dvorak son estan relacionadas ni se conocen personalmente.
Los Hoefle (Korda) son de descendencia Hungara y los Dvorak son de descendencia Checa. En el Mount yo estaba amigos con Guillermo Dvorak (el del medio) y Miguel Dvorak (el menor de los 3 hermanos).. . En Venezuela yo estaba de amigos con la familia Hoefle. Asi que los conocia a todos.
El mayor, Carlos Dvorak, al que llamabamos "Popo" por la cara de payaso, (te acuerdas?)  era uno de los sub-jefes de tropa en los Scouts, siempre estaba enfrente al lado de Fr. Cuthbert. . Creo que tenia como unos 20 años y estaba en el Mount. (?)
I did not know the details ...
As I saw some pictures in one of the circular of Ladislao of a meeting at a restaurant in Caracas where Von Urban Fedak was, and Ladislao Kertesz and also saw Gabriel Hoefle, among other more etc, I thought it was at one of the meetings where you were too.  Well never mind.
Then perhaps Ladislao Kertesz you can help us with this, asking Gabriel Hoefle to clarify what the name Hoefle vs Korda and Carlos Korda, son of the old Francis Korda. (?)
Anyway ... re-reading your email; I realize that there is a confusion with Carlos Dvorak and Korda (Hoefle) and between Korda Home Fashions and Dvorak.
There was one clothing store Korda Modas in the center.  There was a Sabana Grande, and there was one in the Francisco de Miranda (I think) and some inside, but none in Chacao. There was never a Korda Modas in Chacao ..... what was in Chacao was an antique store called CASA DVORAK (why I was asking) ... he had nothing to do with Fashion Korda.
What's more, I am almost certain that the two families: Hoefle (Korda) and Dvorak are related or know each other personally.
The Hoefles (Kordas) are of Hungarian descent and Dvoraks are of Czech descent.  At the Mount I was friends with Guillermo Dvorak (middle) and Miguell Dvorak (the youngest of the three brothers) ... In Venezuela I was friends with the family Hoefle.  So I knew them all.
The eldest, Carlos Dvorak, who we called "Popo", or clown's face, (remember?) was one of the sub-commanders of troops in the Scouts, he was always in front next to Fr. Cuthbert. . I think I was like about 20 years and was at the Mount. (?)
Andres Larsen <> wrote:
Los únicos que cenamos pizza el 22-11-2007 en el Mamma Nostra de Altamira fuimos Laszlo, Brother Robert Dorset O.S.B.(y no Brother Felix como yo decía), Father Rupert O.S.B., Myron y su esposa Julie, y el suscrito. Las dos veces que he asistido en los últimos dos años, Gabriel Hoefle nunca ha aparecido.
The only people who ate pizza on 22-11-2007 in Altamira Mamma Nostra were Laszlo, Brother Robert Dorset OSB (not Brother Felix as I said), Father Rupert OSB, Myron and his wife Julie, and myself.  Both times I have attended in the past two years, Gabriel Hoefle has never appeared
Attila GYURIS <> wrote:
Bueno, Yo se algo de lo de Korda Modas. Los dueños de las tiendas Korda Modas eran tres hermanos.
Cuando todavia era joven y guapo (en los 70's) yo estuve de novios con la hija (Lucy Hoefle, quien ahora vive en Houston TX con su esposo venezolano) de uno de los tres hermanos propietarios de los Korda Modas de la tienda de el Silencio.
El apellido real de de ellos no es Korda sino Hoefle. Son todos de descendencia judia Hungara.   Usaban el nombre de Korda como un pesudonimo.
Carlos " Korda" no era hijo consaguineo de ellos, segun me acuerdo. No entiendo muy bien como le llego eso de "Korda" como apellido. Tal vez si le preguntas a Gabriel Hoefle alli en Caracas. Tu recién estuviste reunido con ellos en el restaurante italiano, no?
Well, I know something of Fashion Korda . The shop owners were Korda Modas three brothers.
When I was still young and handsome in the 70s) I was dating the daughter (Lucy Hoefle, who now lives in Houston TX with her Venezuelan husband) of one of the three brothers owners of Korda Fashion store located in El Silencio.
The actual name of them is not Korda but Hoefle . They are all of Hungarian Jewish descent.  Korda used the name as a pseudonym.
Carlos "Korda " was not their son, according to what I remember.  I do not quite understand this as I knew this one by the name "Korda”.  Maybe you can ask Gabriel Hoefle there in Caracas.  You recently were together with them at the Italian restaurant, right?
Attila Gyuris
Andres Larsen <> wrote:
Todo lo que tu cuentas sobre Carlos Korda es correcto. acuérdate que le preguntamos hace un par de años a Carlos Dvorak sobre Korda Modas en Chacao y nos dijo que ya no existía. Me parece que la tienda grande de Korda Modas en El Silencio aún existe.
De todas maneras Carlos Korda y Carlos Dvorak (ambos de descendencia checa) son familia, me parece que son primo hermanos los dos.
Desde que Carlos Dvorak esta trabajando de tesorero con uno de los Cantore en Anaco ya ni le da tiempo para escribir como lo hacía antes cuando estaba al frente de Mirko Internacional en Maiquetia.
Everything you wrote about Carlos Korda is correct. Remember we asked a couple of years ago Carlos Dvorak about Korda Modas in Chacao and he said that it was no more.  I think the largest store Korda Modas in El Silencio still exists.
Anyway, Carlos Korda and Carlos Dvorak (both of Czech descent) are family, I think they are cousins, sons of two brothers.
Since then Carlos Dvorak is working as treasurer with one of the Cantores in Anaco and has no time to write as he did before when he was at the head of Mirko Maiquetia International .
Attila GYURIS <> wrote:
Dear Jan:
Here is a correction and some name additions to this photo (see attached). Please could you incorporate it with your Photoshop magic? I am sending you two copies of the same Prep A 1964-1965 photo. This is a photo of which I have the original.
One is captioned, the other one is the original scan without the captions but better resolution. Maybe you can use the higher resolution picture and put the names in it without losing any of the resolution?
Imagine: I just talked personally with Rommel Rosero (since 1978!).  He called me out of the blue on my cell phone all the way from Venezuela!  We chatted and reminisced for about half an hour.  He said he would be sending some pictures of the family and kids. I will forward them when I get them.
Anyway, he confirmed that #22 is indeed Carlos KORDA (not Carlos Hoefle)
Here are the corrections and additions:
# 22 - change name from Carlos Hoefle to Carlos Korda.
# 17 - add name: Michael Torry (brother to Kevin)
# 18 - add name: Kevin Torry (brother to Michael)
(personal note: they look so different that I am pretty sure they must be "stepbrothers")
# 2 - add name: Gary Romeo  (R.I.P.)
We will keep on slowly correcting until we get all the correct and full names for everybody yet!
Attila Gyurís
RE: Carlos Hoefle is the second one from the right in the first sitting row
From:  Alfredo Montiel Bezara <>
Que tal ! La verdad que no tengo memoria, por supuesto tu eres inconfundible !
Quizás Oscar .... pero seguro que Gonzalo y Fulvio no tienen ni idea, Raúl sabrá ?
Oscar esta de viaje en Panamá por estos días y no creo que por el BB pueda tener la nitidez de la fotografía.
How are you! The truth is that I do not remember.  Of course, you are unmistakable!
Maybe Oscar . . . but surely Gonzalo and Fulvio have no idea?  Raul may know?
Oscar is traveling in Panama these days and does not think the BB may have the sharpness of the picture.
Un abrazo,
MSB 1972
Bandit p27 The Early Times
15LK8802LKE, Reunion el Tigre 2015 May
62UN0001CLASS66, Carlos Hoefle maybe??

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Circular No 707

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 23 of May 2015 No. 707
Dear Friends,
I would like to ask Kristof Marothy for a rescan of all the photos that he sent.
The photos received are interesting but the quality is not suitable for reproduction by the Circular.
Subject: Re: Update on Carlos Hofle
Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 7:32 PM
Hello Andres
I sincerely appreciate your continuing efforts to determine the whereabouts of Carlos. Still no certainty...I believe the authorities at ERAU may have an idea of his location. I do however wish to thank you for your efforts.
Let’s stay in touch.
With kindest regards
Winston Mahabir  
2009/10/24 10:02:06 P.M. South Africa Standard Ti, writes:
Hello Winston,
Below is an update in Spanish from Attila Gyuris on Carlos Hofle who is definitely not Carlos Korda.
It appears that Carlos Hofle attended MSB in the late 1950's whereas Carlos Korda attended MSB with us in the late 1960's.
Best regards,
Andrés Larsen
From: Attila GYURIS
Subject: Re: Lazlo ubicó finalmente en su corototeca a Carlos Hofle
Date: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 5:18 AM
Lo que pasa es que hay (o habian en esa epoca) TRES tiendas Korda Modas, con TRES dueños socios/familiares. El Korda Modas del Centro era del viejo Americo Hofle y el Korda Modas de Sabana Grande era del viejo Francisco Korda (y quien está conmigo en la foto de mi primer día en el Mount).
Esto lo sé porque yo estuve saliendo de novios, a principios de los 70,  por un tiempo, con la hija, (Lucy) del dueño del Korda Modas del Centro, el Sr. Americo Hofle. El tenia un primo quien se llamaba Francisco Korda, dueño del Korda Modas de Sab Gde, y quien era el padre del Carlos Korda, nuestro compañero en MSB a mediados de los 60, y que aparece en la foto de Prep A conmigo.
Así que no confundamos el Carlos Hofle, (quien estuvo en MSB a finales de los 50 y ya murio) y quien era el hermano mayor de Gabor Hofle,..... con su primo mas joven, Carlos Korda, quien estuvo con nosotros durante la mitad de los 60. Este último no creo que se haya muerto (?).
Keke, podrias verificar esto?
Attila Gyuris
From: laszlo kertesz
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 4:01 PM
El hermano de Gabriel, hijo de Korda Modas de Sabana Grande es Carlos Hoefle (Korda)
From: Andres Larsen
Sent: Sat, October 17, 2009 11:36:48 AM
Hola Laszlo,
¿Tienes alguna idea de quien fue Carlos Hofle?
Cordial saludo
Andrés Larsen
From: Attila GYURIS
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 6:39 PM
Lo dudo,
Creo que los 3 hermanos Dvorak llegaron al Mount despues de que Carlos Hoefle (o Korda) se fue. Pero vale la pena preguntar... uno nunca sabe.
Pero, viendo algunas fotos, el que debe sabe seguro es a Gabriel Hoefle y/o Pablo Kecskemeti, que si estaban allí cuando él y yo empezamos en el Mount.
Carlos es el niño sentado en la baranda, jugando con una cuerda. Yo soy el otro niño parado junto a mi papa. El otro viejo es el papa de Carlos, el Sr. Francisco Korda.
No tengo el email de Gabriel Hofle, pero seguro que tu o Ladislao lo tienen. Hazle forward.
Yo le voy a hacer forward a Keké, a ver que pasa.
From: Andres Larsen
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 2:25 PM
El que puede saber sobre Carlos Hofle es Carlos Dvorak
From: Attila GYURIS
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 6:18 PM
Alguien de ustedes puede nos ayudar con esto?  Saben que paso con el Carlos Hoefle o Carlos Korda ("el Policia'), el de la foto? Esta muerto o vivo?
Oscar, tal vez preguntando a Fulvio.
Alfredo, puedes preguntar a Gonzalo?
Raul, tu sabes algo?
y tu Rommel?
Gracias a todos, 
Attila  Gyuris
From: Andres Larsen
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 12:16 PM
Hello all,
Carlos Hoefle (known at MSB as Carlos Korda) is the second one from the right in the first sitting row
I understand that Carlos Hoefle passed away from cancer shortly after we all left MSB
It might be a good idea to ask the two Montiel brothers, the two Cantore brothers, or Raul Leoni Jr. Maybe even "Nazi" (who is also in this enclosed/attached snapshot) might know
(A. Larsen)
From: Attila GYURIS
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 2:48 PM
Frankly, I have no idea about the pilot thing, but I know a few Hoefles in Venezuela. The Hoefle-Korda family is quite large. Frank Hofle and Frank Korda were cousins. They are (or were?) the owners of the "Korda Modas" chain of clothing stores in Caracas. 
What school years time-frame are we talking about?. 
Apparently there was student: Carlos Hoefle at MSB, in the late fifties to early sixties, he is the one who has died. I did not know him, as he was there before my time.
The younger one that I knew, was Carlos Korda (not Hoefle, I think), He was at MSB for two years only (1964 to 1966). He started with me in Prep A then went on to Form I. We used to call him  "El Policia" because he loved to play "cops and robbers"  in the yard during recess.
Then, after the Form I school year ended in June 1966 , he disappeared. Rumour had it that, after MSB, he went to a school in Puerto Rico.
His photo is in the attached  Prep A class photo: He is # 2 from the right, sitting in long pants, with glass case in pocket and a smile.
But I don't think he died.
And if anybody, he might be the one who went to pilot school in FL., but I don't know this for a fact. I will try to find out.
Attila Gyuris
MSB 1964-1969
From:  Attila GYURIS <
Hello, Winston:
I agree. It has to be the older Carlos Hoefle.
Do you know when and under what cirmcumstances he died?
Attila Gyuris
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 12:36 PM
Hello, Attila:
Your analysis would be correct. Carlos Hoefle would have been approx.24 yrs old. We may not be talking about the same chap. I do however deeply appreciate your responses and in particular your concern about your former classmates.
Continue to fly safely....and stay in God's graces.
With kindest regards
Winston Mahabir
2009/10/16 09:01:42 P.M. South Africa Standard Ti, writes:
Dear Ambassador Winston:
Many Greetings and I hope this email finds you well in Pretoria.
Thanks for your reply:
I just realized that in the earlier email I forgot to point him out in the Prep A class photo.
Carlos Korda is the boy sitting in the first row, second from the right side of the picture, in long pants, with a glass case in his front shirt pocket, sitting next to a blond curly haired kid on his right.  
(By the way, I am sitting in the first row also, 4th from the left side of the picture, also sitting next to a blond kid to my left)
Which Carlos are we talking about?
If we are talking about the same one who attended MSB with me and who is in the class picture, there is a time-frame problem with him graduating from Embry Riddle Engineering and or Flight School. (I am very familiar with Embry Riddle University as I am also an active commercial pilot and have an engineering degree).
I would think, he would have been far too young to be able to do it. Let's see, in 1964 he was about 10-11, so he would have graduated flight school and with an engineering degree at age 15-16 years of age?. Not likely.
So that leaves the other Carlos. the older one. 
Suggestion: There are several older MSB class pictures in the website: 
 It would take a while, but you could search through the circular photos and perhaps recognize him.
 I heard he died from an illness (either heart attack or cancer, I am not sure)
Does that coincide with what you know?
Attila Gyuris
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 11:06 AM
Hello Attila:
Very many thanks for your response .... Deeply grateful.
I attended Embry Riddle Aeronautical Institute in Daytona Florida for my first engineering degree. Your comments indicated that Carlos was a student at Mt. SB. I met Carlos at Embry Riddle .... we played soccer, attended Flight School and studied Aeronautical Engineering. We graduated BS'c within a year of each other 68/69. The statistical chances of another Carlos at MSB and from Venezuela/Trinidad would be remote. I could not identify him from your class photo but I am minded that we have lost a beautiful, witty and good friend. Deeply saddened to hear. I am now Trinidad and Tobago's Ambassador to South Africa .... writing from Pretoria South Africa.
With best wishes to you and all of your colleagues from MSB.
Kindest regards
Winston Mahabir
Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 5:39 PM
Hello, Andres:
You would not know me but I believe your friend as you mentioned .... Carlos Hoefle .... may also have been a dear friend of mine .....Did he attend flight school in Florida .... do you have a photograph ....
With thanks and kind regards
Winston Mahabir
His Excellency Dr. Winston Mahabir to take up appointment as High Commissioner to South Africa.  Dr. Mahabir is scheduled to arrive in Pretoria by the end of May 2008.  His Excellency has prior diplomatic experience having last served as Chief of Staff for the United Nations Mission in East Timor.  He also held positions in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovakia and Sudan and has provided political analysis on issues involving the greater Middle East.  His Excellency has authored several papers on economics and international relations and has maintained strong academic and scholarly connections throughout his career, lecturing in several universities whilst serving in the United Nations Missions where he was assigned.
Bandit p26 The Early Times
12DG0264DGOGRP, Donald Goddard with Salvador Coscarart, Fr. Harold and UNKNOWN
15GT1448GTO Giacomo Tomaselli in London
06AL0007ALAGRP, Andres Larsen visiting the Benedictines in Guigue