Saturday, 18 April 2015

Circular No 702

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 18 of April 2015 No. 702
Dear Friends,
We start with the latest project of David de Castro known as BANDIT.
22 March 2015
Hi guys,
See my latest project.
Click on the website.
Then, under my picture click on special video (in red).  Enjoy and reply with an opinion.
When you have some time, check out entire website - Long live calypso.
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 01:33:51 +0000
When I was there, I did use it to develop - the old liquid method - my pictures in an "old" Zeiss Ikon camera my parents gave me.
Yes, it rather warm in there and felt like I was in a "cave" and the smell of the chemicals---most likely these chemicals went up the head of those who did not know what was going on.
BTW, sometimes we could smell the bakery close by and would "bribe" one of the Brothers (forgot his name - am just getting older I guess -- hahaha, like all the Mount brotherhood!) to give us "undernourished Mount boys" a slice of nice warm freshly baked bread-provided we swore "silence" or else"!
I can tell you from my personal experience I never saw any "untoward" activity when I was there!
One of the Priests was also involved in the photo business but I do not remember which one.
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 07:55:52 -0500l Jorge
There was indeed a club with Voosh as the originator and advisor.
The “dark room” used to develop our negatives and create pictures was located near the tennis courts.
It was in the downstairs part of the building that housed the ping pong table upstairs, was used for festivities and other group functions.
I do not remember what we called that building but still recall that Mr. Thomas took care of it in our times.
There were always rumours that “bad things” took place in “dark room”.
Imagine the progress that has taken place over the last 50 years in how pictures are created and shared instantaneously today versus a process that would take hours then.
May God bless y’all,
George Mickiewicz
Koenraadt <>
15 Apr
Dear Ladislao,
I got this request from Don Mitchell:
If you have not recently given Ladislao an update on where you are living, how many children, and how many grandchildren, etc, please do so now at  
Here is my update:
Jan Koenraadt, born 26 januari 1951
MSB ’63-’67
Place of living: Remy van Haanenstraat 4, 4907 NR Oosterhout, Netherlands (60km north of Antwerp).
Married to Berthy
Children: four boys 32-35years, three grandchildren.
Occupation: self-employed architect
Wishing you all the best, much greetings
Jan Koenraadt
Doug Houk
14 Ap
Hi there, Ladislao
Right now I am in Baja California, Mexico.  Will be going to Houston next wk will be there for a couple of weeks and from there to vnzla
Would really like to shoot the shit with all who were at the Mount
I remember u and Allum
I nearly lost a foot from a kick he gave me but would really enjoy seeing uall not too sure when I will be there but will get in touch.
Doug Houk
On Apr 11, 2015, at 7:00 AM,
Ladislao Kertesz <> wrote:
Are you going to be in Venezuela during this month??
I shall be in Maturin on the week of the 2nd for a couple of days
On 19 March 2015 at 14:22,
Doug Houk wrote:
Hi there, Ladislao,
I am an ex-Mount boy, of course
I am old I have been living in vnzla for the last 32 yrs
I met one of the old boys in Caracas but I didn't follow up on it as far as trying to make contact with any other vens which was stupid of me as I would have liked to have got together with a Bunch of them and now
I’m a persona non grata over there because I’m a Norte Americano
I was living in Anzoátegui and still have a lot of stuff there but God knows what Podrido is going to do
Dear Friends, now a few lines from Roland d'Abadie.
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 11:40:16 -0400
Michael Howard, one of my many cousins who attended "The Abbey School", was good enough to recently send me some information about the Mount and now I must thank you for placing my name on the mailing list and bringing back many faded memories of days long past.
The Mount has many memories for me although I was only there for a few short years and left prior to graduation.
My younger brother Bernard attended after I left,
My sister worked with the addicts that used our old dorms after the school was closed and my Dad died at the old age home.
The de Verteuils featured in the "recent photo's" are cousins and living here in Canada, and Richard and Randall Galt were also classmates of mine, just to name a few.
The student list also reminded me of many names and memories that were tucked away in my memory bank.
While looking through the recent photos, I also came across one of Pedro Castro, one of the three Castro brothers who were there during my day.
Do you have any news of Timieno?
He was a good friend and classmate.
The last I heard, several years ago, was that he was living in Caracas.
I could go on forever but this is a starting point.
Having left Trinidad in 1960 for Jamaica and then moving to Canada, trips to Trinidad have not been frequent and crossing paths with old friends, much too infrequent.
Unfortunately, I have no photos to share of my days at the Mount but many pleasant memories.
Playing soccer, cricket, volley ball, boy scouts, "squirrel patrol", singing in the choir, etc. 
Hi Las,
I am getting ready to E-Mail you lotsa pictures and a short bio of myself since leaving MSB.
I am in the middle of renovating my house so my time is a bit limited (MUST finish before winter sets in).
Please send my e-mail to my home address.
You are currently sending it to my work and my company would prefer restricting that to business (unless you always want to type "XXXPERS" in the subject area).
Thank you.
The "mystery person" in the class of '59 photo, I believe, is Harry Guildner.
He was Venezuelan and lived in Tigrito, Edo. Anzoategui.
Will contact you later
Caracas, 10 of October 2002.
Dear Christopher
Thank you for the reply and encouragement.
Does Ronald Charles sound a bell????
I hope the house work is getting along and that you are placing aside the photos that you are finding for those winter months (they are close!!, especially in the North North)
Maybe you would like to come back for a few weeks to Caracas???
God Bless
From: Chris DeMarothy
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 11:07:42 -0400
Hi Las,
Just a quick note.
I have sent you a number of e-mails telling you the person you identified as Ronald Chin IS Ronald Charles.
I believe he is a doctor in Trinidad.
So I heard when I visited Mount in 1979.
Unfortunately I could not meet with him although I did meet with Ronald Gokool.
He was then the Food & Beverage Control Manager at the Hilton where I stayed.
I also met with Randolph "Swami" Galt for a pleasant lunch and memories.
I have finally scanned all the pictures that I have and will be sending them to you soon.
From: kristof de marothy
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 20:02:40 -0400
Hi Laz,
Ronald Charles is the Chinese boy with glasses standing 4th from the left in the 2nd photo of the 1959 graduating class.
He is the 3rd boy on the left of the Priest in the 1st 1959 graduating class photo.
Again, the unknown is Harry Guildner, he is the partially hidden boy with glasses standing to the right of the Priest.
He does not appear in the 2nd photo.
Swami (or Randal Galt) was in the 1960 graduating class with his brother Richard "Turtleback" whose is shown in the volleyball picture in circular #47 (it looks a lot like him at about 14-15 years of age)..
Like you, I remember my class and a lot of the guys from 1958 and 1960, but after that?
Memory fades over 1/2 century but my good times at Mount and the bad ones (especially, when I was whipped by "BoBo" in front of the whole school) are cherished memories. 
I was really saddened to hear what happened to Mount.
It is an ignoble end to such a great school. 
It gave us a wonderful education, built our characters through sports and discipline, and saw us through our formative years.
I'll be in touch
As you notice, there is an effort to place names on the photos, and in the case of Class 1959 there has been some luck. I specially thank Michael Herrera, Nigel Boos, George Laquis, Bernard Johnson, Alex de Verteuil, and Kristof for help in the research.
I am expecting confirmation from Christopher Date soon.
For more details see Circular No. 56
Class of 1959:  Look it up on the Blog.
PHOTO No.1                                   PHOTO No.2
Pampellone, Gerard                        Whereabounts unknown help!
Laquis, George Dr. (Pud)     ,
Johnson, Bernard (Flatop)    
Herrera, Michael                     ,
De Verteuil, Alex                    ,
Harry Guildner                                  Whereabounts unknown help!
Johnson, Claude                              Whereabounts unknown help!
Donald, Charles Dr                          Whereabounts unknown help!
Serrette, Irwin                                  Whereabounts unknown help!
Date, Christopher                  ,
Nigel Boos                             ,
Gokool, Ronald                                Whereabounts unknown help!
Fr. Peter Nicholson                         Holy Ghost Father
De Marothy, Kristof               ,
Colm Imbert, M.P.
Abbey School, Trinidad, St. Mary's College, Trinidad, University of the West Indies, University of Manchester, Robert Gordon University
Currently pursuing an LLM in Oil and Gas Law, Robert Gordon University, commenced Master's degree programme in January 2014 (in progress)
Juan Carlos Carretero                         29 December 18:30
Que necesitas saber?
Bandit p21 The Early Times
74UN0001CLASS74rev.a,  Please check
10JK7012JKOPZE, Jan Koenraadt and Paul Zeven
82AK0001AKNFAM, Arthur Knaggs and family

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