Newsletter for alumni of The
Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 3
January 2015 No. 687
Dear Friends,
Here are the
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 9:11 AM
Subject: Holiday Greetings
Dear Fellow Alumni,
Peace and best wishes to you
and your loved ones.
Wishing you a happy Christmas
and a prosperous new year:
Fortune in your financial and
work related affairs, happiness in your personal and family life and the best
of health.
Looking forward to your active
participation in the coming year!
Yours sincerely,
The Abbey School Alumni
Richard de Verteuil
Nov 3, 2014
Dear Ladislao,
Yes, I did receive the
Sorry to hear about yet
another knight falling off his perch.
Condolences to his family.
Although I also live in
England, I did not know him or his family!!
I may have known another
Pampellone as I was at the Mount 1949-51, or I may have known him at
Presentation College, 1952-53.
I then left and came to
England and went to Stonyhurst College, 53-59.
Just never went back home to
live, but still consider myself a Trini!
My new email address is
although my old one will still forward emails to me.
I have had to change to yahoo
as my ISP, EE/Orange, has a ridiculous system that means I get a lot of my
wife's email, and she gets mine, just depends on who downloads first each day!
Hope to get back for a visit
next year as I still have lots of family and a daughter and granddaughter
living there.
Cheers for now,
Carlos Dvorak
Dec 31, 2014
Estimados y queridos,
Les deseamos todo lo mejor para este nuevo año, que Dios los
colme de bendiciones, salud y felicidad.
Para regalo:
Les enviamos este extracto de una hermosa canción del grupo
Boyzone, de 1998, titulada "NO MATTER WHAT"
Nunca importa lo que te digan, hagan o enseñen, si en lo que
crees es la verdad.
Nunca importa cómo te llamen, te ataquen o te lleven, siempre que
puedas encontrar tu camino de regreso.
Nunca podrás negar en lo que crees, ni en lo que eres, sabes que
amaras por siempre y eso es lo que verdaderamente importa.
Si las lagrimas fuesen risa y las noches día, si las oraciones
tuviesen repuestas, entonces escucharas a Dios decir.
No importara lo que te digan, hagan o enseñen, si en lo que crees
es en mi, crees en la verdad.
Yo te mantendré sano y fuerte, libre de cualquier tormenta y no
importa si los sueños parecen ser estériles, nuestro sueño siempre estará
Nunca importa a quienes los otros sigan, donde sean lideres, o
como nos juzguen, siempre seré lo que necesites.
No importa que el Sol no brille, que el Cielo no sea azul o cual
sea el final, lo importante es que mi vida nace en Dios.
Los ama de todo corazon
Familia Dvorak Quintana
Carlos Dvorak
Dec 31, 2014
Dear and beloved,
We wish all the best for this
New Year. May God fill you with blessings, health and happiness.
Our gift:
We send this excerpt from a
beautiful song group Boyzone, 1998, entitled "NO MATTER WHAT"
Never mind what they say, do
or teach, if what you believe is the truth.
Never mind how you call,
attack you or take you, you can always find your way back.
You can never deny what you
think, or what you are, you know you'll love forever and that's what really
If tears were laughter and day
nights if they had answers prayers, then will hear God say.
No matter what you say, do or
teach, if what you believe is in me, believe in the truth.
I'll keep you healthy and
strong, free from any storm and no matter if the dreams seem to be sterile, our
dream will always be present.
Never mind who the others will
follow, where they are leaders, or as we judge, always be what you need.
No matter that the sun is not
shining, the sky is not blue, or whatever the end, what matters is that my life
is born in God.
Love them with all my heart.
Dvorak Quintana Family
Ladislao Kertesz
29, 2014
Thanks, Cornel,
And I will take this
opportunity to pass on my best wishes for The New Year to you all.
Warm regards
Jon Golding (London)
Cornel de Freitas []
Sent: 29 December 2014 02:37
It is Christmas time, the most
wonderful celebration we all inherited, and an opportunity to wish ALL of my
MSB Brothers and their Families
A most Blessed and Joyous
Christmas and a very Prosperous and healthy New Year.
Bernard Fontaine
Les deseamos unas Felices
Pascuas y un Prospero Año 2015 con mucha salud, amor y prosperidad.
Bernardo, Flor y Marie Claire
Season's Greetings from:
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 00:19:50 -0500
Also found John Maginot –
An old boy in my days he is
still the mayor of Longwood a small town in Florida outside of Orlando after 15
years they will not let him retire believe it or not
Hi Las,
Keep up the good work. While
it is great to see the number of old boys coming under one roof, it is
unfortunate that very few see it fit to write about all the crazy exploits that
we as students under the watchful or not so watchful eyes of Fr(s). Bernard,
Augustine, Gregory and others would get up to.
While I would admit that not
every day was a happy one, the memories that I have of MSB today are lasting,
and looking back were enjoyable. I remember the hikes to white stones and
continuing on to the old Monastery on Mount Tabor, playing in the scout band
and the long weekend camps in Mayaro. As Sparrow would say, school days were
happy! happy! days.
Hey Manuel remember the scout
band, may not remember me, but then again many should. I was the most miserable
young student together with Gordon Mitchell (young boxhead), where did you get
that name from? that loved to "terrorize" the "big boys".
It was hit and run, run like you never ran before, because when you got caught,
God help you. Cut ass for days.
I remember playing in the
Mount band as a drummer, dressed in either white, or scout uniform. With the
scout hat on my head, and drum at my side, I was invisible. Manuel was
head drummer at the time, with others like Daniel de Verteuil, Roger Ames,
Nigel Boos, and others whose names I can't remember at this time. At that time,
the Mount band was the best in the island, no other scout troop had a band.
What do you expect! We were the best.
Something else always
fascinated me. Where did all the nick names come from? how where they
derived? But then that might be another story, maybe one for you Don? or
Chris?, Wayne?.
Robert Huggins
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 09:33:31 -0300
Hi, my name is Simone Vieira
and I am married to Anthony Vieira's brother Eddie....
Don't know how I ended up with
your email but I did....
They are all home numbers ...
will find their email addresses and send them on to you saw you were looking
for a Clive Vieira ... I think he lives in Canada ...sometimes I get FWs with
his name on it will send on to you when they come again..........
Terry John is an uncle and
lives next door to me .....
If you can´t get through to
them on the phone, email me letters to them with your contact address etc. and
I will have them delivered to their homes............
From: Tony Vieira
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 06:31:59 -0700
Cheers Ladislao,
I have been given an email
which I found quite astonishing, after all of these years, imagine a couple of
old Mount boys attempting to communicate with each other.
I have virtually lost track
with everyone, we came from every part of the compass anyway, didn't we?
I did go back to the Mount in
2000 August and found that the school no longer existed, and was now a
rehabilitation facility for drug users, the pool was empty, the field and
tennis courts were unkept,
There were huge gates
presumably to keep the druggies in, so I did not even get the opportunity to
walk around the place.
Just as well perhaps, it was
depressing enough to see the place in that condition,
My new born baby was very sick
at the time and she was in the Mount Hope Hospital so I went into to the Abbey
to say a prayer,
They have kept that well, I
ran into this old priest Father Benedict [says that they named the place after
He told my wife that he used
to teach me science, but I did not make the connection until we were driving
down the hill, then the old bulb came on "of course" I said to my
wife, Jewel, "Father Voosh".
Over the years I have met Joe
Azar, Puds Laquis and Brendon Gurley.
I go to Trinidad quite
frequently now, two, three times a year.
I have a business association
with Ken Gordon CCN and I have a friend Dr. Omar Khan who is head of the
radiology department at Mt. Hope hospital.
Does anyone know where Edward
Lloyd is?
He was the closest thing
approaching a friend I had at the place, and Enrique Manuel Castells, where is
And what happened to Joel Guy
I am very interested in what
you are doing and I would be very happy to take part.
Let me know if I can help in
any way.
As far as the scout band is
concerned I think that I vaguely remember most of the boys especially Stephen
Clark, Pablo Figuera, Manuel Prada and Nigel Boos. Boos I remember for his name it is such an
unusual one.
Tony Vieira.
Jon Golding
16 Jan
Hi Guys
I just found this in my photo
collection after a lot of searching.
This is a unique shot of Fr
Bernard which I think captures the expression and I remember it like yesterday.
Please feel free to pass it
around. The caricature is attached.
I don’t have the emails of the
old boys at hand.
Bandit p12a The Early Times, Abbot Adelbert van Duin
61JG0001FBE, Fr. Bernard by Golding
57BF0006CLASSGRP, Another of many unknowns
08GM3809GMI, George Mickiewicz
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