Saturday, 26 December 2015

Circular No 738

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 26 of December 2015 No. 738
Dear Friends,
Enjoy the video:
Glen Mckoy <>
Dec 17 at 4:31 PM
Cheers Sir Donald 
Thank you, I like, also funny, enjoy the holidays my friend,
Adios Glen.
Dec 9 at 10:34 AM
As young, innocent guys that had to go to mass every day and to confession once a week with made-up sins? to tell the priest, who even worried about religious issues. All the studying and all the great sports activities between the three houses St. Anthony, St Francis (the best of all ) and St Lawrence didn't leave much time for discussing religion. If I remember correctly, we took religion for granted and it never even crossed my mind. 
As our wise, old Bajan fada would say: "You boys just concentrate on studying, playing sports, dancing wid girls (pronounced (gee-erls), and calypso music. Leave problems about religion and politics to grown-up old farts who have notin betta to do wid dey time".
He was so correct. Now that I'm an old fart of 71, I spend a great deal of my time worrying about and discussing politics (e.g. Obama is a complete ass, Venezuela communists are worthless pricks, the Muslim extremist terrorists are crazy baboons, Pope Paco knows about as much about climate change as I know about building submarines, etc.  etc,. etc. etc. ). 
Our fada (the Bajan, not the priest) also would say: "If he religion does make he happy, that is good for he. Make sure you does always respect each person’s belief even if you doesn't agree wid dem." 
That's just life and we must enjoy it! I just finished reading the book "Zorba the Greek" for the second time. I recommend it to you guys. 
Donald Goddard 
Salvador Coscarart <> wrote: 
Well. It is a very Good question. I was thinking about it and could not remember any talks or problems concerning religion. 
Salvador. God bless.
On Nov 18, 2015, at 07:40,
This question came to mind in lieu of all the religious related wars that have occurred in the past and are taking place now……never personally experienced any religious related animosities nor other negative issues while at the Mount from 1956 till 1962
Dec 9 at 6:58 PM
Hello Old Fart (your words)
I like how you still talk de Trini lingo - a slick language we all own!
Yes, St Francis was the best house! But I think 1/3rd of the readers will say theirs was the best!
I have to agree with most of what you say, Donaldo, but it is ironic you like the house but not the host of the same name - Papa Francisco!
On this complex climate change subject none of us know enough to make a judgment, except to agree/disagree with so-called experts we like/dislike.
This is a subject I have followed with curiosity for a long time and it all comes down to the sales pitch since both sides of the argument are plausible.
It is like the 10 hour debate and vote in the UK Parliament we just had to send in Tornado bombers to Syria.
In spirit I agreed with the decision to bomb the bastards! But listening to both sides of the House for 3 hours I was equally convinced intellectually that each side was right.
But to add some value to this email group let me draw everyone's attention to a very sobering, non-emotional video I just saw which employs higher wisdom than obvious politics.
Not long to listen to - so follow the whole talk by this guy who speaks with unusual intelligence, not obvious revenge, any ex prisoner would have:
Anyway, I think that religion is not something we need to discuss if we are brought up in a reasonably religious home.
It is no different from not discussing nationality.
We only have to articulate our culture in both cases when we are challenged or see that our religion or nationality is and we feel we have to say something. Verdad?
Your own Papa was wise and a good father to tell you what he did in your penultimate sentence below.
But that takes maturity and self-control. Passing quick judgement, as we tend to do and have a laugh, is fine as long as we admit what makes us decide, emotion or intellect?
Just like the Donald Trump situation now hot in the air. His argument about simply deciding to do something drastic (until it becomes clearer when the danger is put under control) is nothing different to what has been done for over 100 years in different countries. It only sounds outrageous because most people did not live through WWII when CIVILIAN Germans and Japs were put in detention centres in England and North America. Intellectual argument is sound but emotionally / politically is a time bomb. My view? No view, since I am not a US voter, and like Trump, and I do not yet understand "what the hell is going on!".
Finally, long time no e-speak with you but I wants you to know my 93 year-old mother said years ago when I was at the Mount and mentioned the Goddard name that your mother in Barbados was one of the most attractive women she knew. So wappen to you, fella?  I tink Brian got de looks – aheada you and Christian! Pax in virtute! Amen
david dumas <>
Great of you to mail, I now live in Trinidad after 36 years in the US.
#8 Savannah West RD> blue range Diego Martin
799 4465
Charles-Henri Dunoyer de Noirmont <>
Dear Old Boy, 
Thank you for your mail and patience to find me back after so many years.
Here are my personal data:
General (retired) Charles-Henri Dunoyer de Noirmont.
Born 18 th of August 1946, in Rome (Italy)
Married 26 March 1976 to Anne-Claude de Chasteigner de La Rocheposay,
3 children
Edouard: 1977
Hortense: 1980
Pauline:    1982
Military Academy of Saint Cyr: 1968-70.
Staff College 1980
Paris Institute for political studies: 1982-84 
War College 1984 86.
Home address: 
35, Rue de la Grange-Colombe
78120 Rambouillet
Tel/fax : 33 (0) 1 34 85 51 65
Cellular :  33 (0) 6 61 53 78 17
I was one of the very few French citizens, possibly only three of us, among scores of British subjects and some Venezuelans, being a border at the Abbey School in 1957-58, in "Prep B", since my grand father, Mr. Frank Agostini, and my mother, Yvonne Dunoyer de Noirmont, born Agostini, were both born in Trinidad, in one of the old French Families established in the island ever since the 18th-19th century, such as the de Verteuil, Lange, Salvatori, Majani, etc.
My divorced mother lived in Maraval until 2008, when I took her to France for treatment.
Unfortunately, she passed away in 2011 aged 84.
I still have an aunt and a cousin in Trinidad: Mrs Danièle Agostini and her son, Philippe but my life is definitely in France. 
My best friend at the time was Gerald Kenny, who passed away some two years ago.
Best regards.
Charles Dunoyer de Noirmont. 
(Our own first GENERAL, the Editor)
O'Connor Elspeth <> 19/12/14
Enjoyed reading your Christmas email newsletter so thought I would send you ours. It is a wonderful job you do keeping all the boys in touch with what is going on. Unfortunately Richard is not that computer competent so does not follow your example! He is well and happy though and spends his days building jig saw puzzles when he is not fixing something broken that others bring for him as he is known as Mr. Fixit here. He misses his workshops terribly, had visions of going to the children for that activity but it does not really happen!  Merry Christmas to you all. 
Elspeth and Richard
Sep 12 at 11:18 AM
Hi Everyone,
Here’s a funny pic I made of my first graduation (Southampton Uni – 1970) and my last graduation (IFS University – 2015). Funny to me, anyway !
Time flies!! I wish it was 1970 again!!
I thought you might also like to know that the Guildhall where my graduation ceremony took place yesterday was built in the 12th century but it was built right next to the Roman Amphitheatre which was built almost 2,000 years ago in AD70. Downstairs of the Guildhall is a large room which is built around some of the ruins.
So quite a memorable place to get a postgrad qualification in Higher Education with a great crowd  !
This course was a very valuable and essential asset for my education project starting in January.
I’ll keep you posted.
Best regards
Dec 10 2015 at 9:43 AM
Dear All, 
It is with much regret that I pass on the sad news received from Rudi Singh that Paul Quesnel has passed away: 
O'Connor Elspeth <>
Thanks for all your emails.  
We are going to New Norcia, which is a Benedictine Monastery, next weekend for the celebration of Bishop Salvado who came from Spain and founded the monastery about one and a half hours away from Perth. There will be a Mass, followed by a luncheon, Spanish guitar music and Flamenco dancing and we will sleep in the Guest House.  I will write a note for you to circulate after the event.  
Elspeth O'Connor
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz
Bandit p66x p67 The Early Times
15JG0001JGOGRADUATION, John Golding, a new graduation after 45 year
12NB4754AJAXREUNION,  Nigel Boos reunion
15CD0001CDU, Charles Dunoyer de Noirmont.

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