Saturday, 17 October 2015

Circular No 728

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 17 October 2015 No. 728
Dear Friends,
A little late but I am having problems with the Internet.
Glen Mckoy <>
Oct 12 at 2:38 AM
My Brother & Friend Sir Joe Berment,  (Chairman: Abbey School Alumni, Trinidad).
Thank you for sharing this email with us. 
So glad to see, some movements are happening again on our dear Mount St. Benedict. 
It is so wonderful, to read this news from the Fr. Abbot. 
We are at his mercy, as he remains the protector & keeper of our Castle.  
We look forward to hearing more, of this positive and future development.  
It is also good to see the young people who are taking pride in the area.  
Sports, is where we all developed on the Mount. 
A good place to start.
Please Thank & let Fr. Abbot know, that he has our entire Alumni behind him, just waiting to be accessed in whatever way, we can be of assistance, within our means. Time is limited & precious, united we stand.  
God bless you my brother, keep the fire burning.  
Best Regards Glen.   
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 01:06:36 +0000
Subject: Videos from the Mount
Abbot John has kindly shared the videos below (which will keep you informed about what is happening at the Mount) with us.
I say that we must congratulate the Abbot and community on his incredible persuasiveness in accomplishing what I know Fr. Cuthbert and Fr. Odo (deceased) had tried to with the water supply for at least 40 years and also their insightful generous sense of neighbourliness in formally making the football field accessible to the people of the village. 
Don Mitchell <>
Oct 12 at 4:15 AM
Thanks, Joe,
I enjoyed looking at all of them.
Keep well.
Some old stuffr from circular No. 57
From: Wayne Brown
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 14:43:25 -0400
>>>I would like to ask you about your photo with the two pretty girls!!, I do not have their names, please write me about them.<<<
If you mean my daughters, they’re Saffrey (on left) and Mariel (Brown, of course).
That photo was taken about 8 yrs ago in Tobago, when they were both teenagers; they’re now 25 and 26 respectively; both recently left Jamaica, where they had been living with me, and went to live in England, where Saffrey (the younger one) has landed quite a big job with the London City Council in the field of Urban Renewal (which is what she’d been doing here), and Mariel, who’s very talented in the arts, is planning to do a post-graduate degree in fiction-writing.
>>>By the way I noticed in your articles that the letter “z” in organize, etc. is written with an “s”, also in an article that I have from a newspaper of TT, is this peculiar, my corrector for British indicates “Z”. Why would be this???<<<
Newspapers decide on a convention and stick to it.
Sounds like you’re referring to the “American English” variant.
>>>We are having our reunions about once a month here in Caracas but no luck with Manuel Prada as yet.
At our last dinner there were two present, Bernard Fontaine and Peter Morvay.
I am preparing a guest room at my house for when you come thru Caraca.!!,
it should be ready by June.<<<
I don’t know those two guys. Nice of you to offer a room.
Maybe I’ll come to Caracas one day, after all!
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 3:23 PM
Subject: email Donald Goddard
Dear Wayne,
I am forwarding this email to you from Donald Goddard.
The wise guy!!  He was always trying to be funny.
Maybe you can reply to his comments to him.
He used to be in our age group.
I thought you might remember him.
I find your articles very good and I would not have liked to see two sentences where you use ten to describe beautiful events that can only be written as you do.
Please help me with an article, Bro.Vincent???
or any scout stories??
What is your telephone number??
When are you coming this way??
We need a writer on Chavez ways in politics!!
God Bless
In another matter, as to the WVB columns that I send out as soon as I get them, Donald Goddard wrote the following:
Wayne Brown's "Waiting For It" (part one) is very confusing and difficult to follow.
He said in many, many beautiful words what could have been said in the following manner: "My dear Patty, what seems to be your problem??
Oh my god Brian, I fear a hurricane coming this way." 
I suppose that next week he will describe in detail in about five pages how the hurricane flattened their house.
Since Wayne's style is very poetic and verbose, I plan to read the next chapter even if it takes me three days to read and figure out the hell he's trying to say.
Best wishes to all.
Donald Goddard
From: Wayne Brown
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 20:48:01 -0700
Subject: email Donald Goddard
Dear Ladislao--thanks for the vote of confidence, and not to worry about Goddard.
The column has been pretty well received, but every now and then it encounters the duh-duh type of reader--the type who moves his lips when he reads--and provokes in him irritation or worse.
I'm not particularly fond of that piece, but Waiting for It was of course a story about a marriage in a certain state--not about the weather.
Feel free to send the above to Mr Goddard (whoever he is); and feel free too to post his letter to yr general readership.
I was actually in Trinidad at the same time you were last month but in the rush of leaving forgot to take yr phone number.
Next time. I'm afraid I'm pretty stretched workwise at present, but will keep in mind yr request for more material.
I also saw you carried a message from Prada--can you send me his email address?
Keep up the good work.
Wayne Vincent Brown (R.I.P.)
Tue, September 22, 2009 6:55:38 AM
From: Chris Knowles <
One memory of Wayne on the Hill is that we were No 10 and 11 in Woodpeckers Patrol (I was No 11).
As such, we got to chop wood, clean fowl, fetch water and other such vital and undesirable tasks for the patrol:
I am not sure of our badge achievements.
Another is his having spent an entire school holiday (Easter?) in the Savannah checking Horse form and subsequently coming out on top in the later Race meeting.
He later told me that he enjoyed the experience, but that it was too much effort for little reward.
I took that to mean that his betting float was small.
God rest you, Wayne,
Chris (aka Pupsy).

Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 20:11:44 -0400
I have very fond memories of life at Mount with Wayne as we both very keen on races and we spent hours on the subject.
I remember him being forced to play a cricket match against St. Lawrence and he objected to having to play.
First ball from Owen Serrette cut his finger in two and that was that.
His finger healed for him to become one of the best Caribbean writers in recent history.
God rest his soul.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Bratt
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 6:08 PM
Yes, real, real sorry to hear this.....
I had hoped to meet him again.....apart from his incisive writing and dour but amiable personality,
I will remember him for the Juniors A (remember that category?) St. Francis vs St Lawrence football game where he played right wing and Christopher Date, left wing, Cokie Joe could run fast and Date had the most natural left foot I ever saw, I played centre forward and both of them kept crossing the ball for me to score 4.
May his soul rest in peace
From: Brian Lewis <>
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 4:27 PM
I sat next to him at Mount for one term - his work will live on
On Sep 16, 2009, at 3:09 PM,
Peter Laughlin wrote:
My God, he was a young man!
Please extend my sympathies to his family.
He was a great contributor to the Caribbean, and a good friend to all who knew him.
All the best,
From: Nigel P. Boos []
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 6:58 AM
Dear Mike,
Thank you for including me in this message.
I am very sad to hear about the death of our good friend, Wayne Vincent-Browne. 
May he rest in peace.
Here are a few pictures I have of Wayne, at MSB and later in life.
Nigel P. Boos
On 15-Sep-09, at 10:47 PM,
Michael Howard wrote:
It is with sadness that I must advise that Wayne Vincent Brown (Cokie Joe) passed away of lung cancer this morning in Jamaica, where he had made his home.
Lisa, please pass on to Jean and Roger Henderson
Michael Howard.
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz
Bandit p47 The Early Times
64JK0012BENETHALL, Staircase at Benet hall
66WK0004GIRLS, Group at a party
59NB0001NBOGRP, Paul de Verteuil, John Ironsides, Richard Anderson and UNKNOWN

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