Saturday, 29 August 2015

Circular No 721

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 29 August 2015 No. 721
Dear Friends,
For those that remember the Old Abbey School Interested Students, O.A.S.I.S. files. Here is the exchange on how the files changed hands.
But what about the MOUNT INSIDE Bulletin??? Are there any copies at MSB? Or has anyone a few copies at hand after so many years??? Can you send them to me??
But to the matter at hand, here is the story on how the O.A.S.I.S. files got to Venezuela.
****I would like to apologize if the emails sometimes have possible grammatical faults (I read and re-read the emails but sometimes these have sensitive and sensible information which I might not recognize and so cannot correct or eliminate) but be sure that I always strive to send out the information just as I get it.****
From: "Nigel P. Boos" <>
Date: 31 Mar 10:15 (PST)
Thank you for your kind note.
I'm sure that Ladislao will be thrilled to receive your package of O.A.S.I.S file info, as it'll give him years of reading matter with which to compile his stories.
All the guys will benefit from it as well, so, on behalf of everyone who had been privileged to pass through the halls of MSB, thank you for preserving the memories for us.
Best wishes,
On Mar 31, 2004, at 12:17 PM,
Art & Val Knaggs wrote:
Dear Nigel,
Just a little note to let you know that I received your letter re O.A.S.I.S. and thank you for your kind words and great wishes.
I had already mailed the package to Ladislao, as Val & I decided that it would be a tribute to the marvellous efforts of those who picked up the "ball" and ran with it.
My days at "The Mount" were and are a host of tremendous memories (especially spiritual) and it accounts for me being still here today.
The great "Man" upstairs must have some plan for me yet, so here am I, still hanging in there for whatever is put on my plate.
You have played a great part in my efforts for always encouraging me over the latter years of the newsletter and I thank you for that.
In the meantime, all the very best, my The Good Lord continue to influence you.
From: Nigel Boos
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 11:20:11 -0500
I've asked Bernard Stone to cover the cost at approx CAD $165.00, understanding that he will be reimbursed.
He has agreed to do so, and I have contacted Arthur to advise him.
Arthur's address, to which you can send a replacement cheque, is: 2 Dubonnet Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B2X 2V3, Canada and his phone number is 902-462-6749.
Keep up the good work.
On Jan 10, 2004, at 9:03 AM, Ladislao Kertesz wrote:
Dear Nigel
From the email that I sent Art on the famous box of OASIS files, you can perceive that the problem might be
1) Weight and size
2) Costs.
I would like to propose to you that since you are closer to Art, you can help me in forwarding the money to him for the shipment.
I can then reimburse you with a check of the Bank of America that I will make out in your name. The check would be in USD.
Would you trust me, in this transaction?,
I do not want Art to scan the paper and photos, as this takes time ( I know this from experience) and then maybe the scanning is not detailed enough for me to use?, when I repair, improve, etc. the material in Photoshop.
Please your suggestions??
God Bless
From: "Art & Val Knaggs"
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 13:36:24 -0400
Great to be in touch again, and here is the scoop.
The package is 16 x 10 x 2.25 inches and weighs app 4.5 lbs.
40 x 25 x 6 centimetres app 2 kilos
By regular mail it would be $32, by air it would be $45;
Checked Fed-Ex and they want $165.
All above in Can $s, a lot of moulers for an ancient, retired, scrunting, senior like me.
It is one of the reasons I went out of mailing the OASIS all over the world (the cost) before e-mail.
I will try and see if I can find someone to send them as attachments (photographed) or such, as I am still quite electronically challenged. I did get a computer update, but do not have internet, so am using the Library.
Toss me some ideas and I will see what I can come up with.
P.S. will try and get some e-mails of oldies I know wh may be competent at this game.
From: Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Friday, January 2, 2004 10:23 PM
Hey Las,
Guess what! We've got 'em.
Art Knaggs must have got hold of a computer at last, and so he can participate in all the wonderful goings-on of our rowdy bunch.
As I'd said long ago, Arthur is a mine of information for just about anything to do with the old school and the guys who passed through those hallowed halls.
Arthur was also President of the Old Boys Association of long ago, and took upon himself the awesome responsibility of keeping us all in touch with one another, long before the advent of e-mail.
He used Photostat copies, business cards, photographs, news items from just about anywhere, and did a fantastic job all around.
His O.A.S.I.S. reports, which came through roughly 2-3 times a year, carry within them a whole lot of information about our friends and predecessors at MSB, and he has now prepared them for shipping to you.
I'm not going to tell him where to ship them, in light of the state of things in Venezuela today, but I'm going to leave that up to you entirely.
I'm sure that you are going to get a heck of a kick out of all this paper, and I'm sure that Arthur believes, as I do myself, that these precious documents will find a happy home in the offices and filing cabinet of one Ladislao Kertesz.
I believe that you will be receiving a treasure trove of information about so many old MSB alumni, that you're going to wish you'd never started this project.
But cheer up. With God all things are possible.
Let me take this opportunity to wish you and all the guys a very happy New Year.
May God bless us all.
P.S. Arthur: Thank you for getting this file together, ol' man. You've done a wonderful job over the years, and on behalf of all the old boys of the Mount, thank you so much for your undying interest. Please give me a call sometime at (905) 426-8999, and if you're ever in Ajax, let's get together for a drink and to shoot some blag. By the way, I need a recipe for sorrel wine. Got any?
Note to Ladislao: Bernard Stone (married to Maggie Mosca) celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary about 4 weeks ago. A great time was had by all.
From: "Art & Val Knaggs" <>
Date: January 2, 2004 12:50:47 PM EST
Happy New Year and all the very Best for 2004.
I have all my "Old Abbey School Interested Student" files all bundled up and ready for posting, all I need is an address?!?!
I have some writing addresses of some of the real original Mount "Oldies", but most of them are computer challenged, so no e-mail addresses.
You guys are doing a magnificent and worthwhile adventure into the History and Past of 'Our Old School", and don't forget our Priests and Teachers who can contribute a great deal as well. Fr Cuthbert may like to help.
As Ever,
From: Ladislao Kertesz <>
Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2004 2:06 AM
Dear Val and Art
I have just read your email. I am glad that you got hold of a computer. Remember that if you do not receive a Circular or are missing one, please give a line to Don Mitchell,
Thank you for bundling up the OASIS files, and sending me notification.
How much does it weigh??? and what dimensions does it have. Since it is paper, I presume that it does weigh.
I believe that the best way would be by Courier, but please send me the approximate weight so that I may make a quick calculation, as there is also the way by Air Parcel Post.
Can you get an estimate by FEDEX or similar. to Caracas Venezuela.
The address by the way is:
Kertesz & Kertesz C.A.,
Atn. Ladislao Kertesz
Av. San Juan Bosco
Edif. Dumas, Apto. 11, piso 2
Altamira Sur.
Caracas - Venezuela
Telf +58 212 263.5346, 267.2416
As Nigel said, things are a bit unsettled but courier is the best way.
Now that we are in touch, we can exchange information readily. I would like you to inform me of your graduation date Form V so that I may place you with your classmates.
I shall write you longer latter but I am all excited with the prospect of keeping the Circular for another year.
Hope that we would have the same luck with the Web page this coming year.
I wish you and your family a prosperous healthy new year.
God Bless
From: Nigel Boos <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 07:42:28 -0400 (EDT)
Dear Ladislao,
I've received your last e-mail concerning the future of the web-site and must say I felt saddened by the news of the impending end to all the great memories.
I'm also saddened to find that Gabby apparently does not wish to be bothered by our telephone calls or e-mail messages any longer.
I believe he's simply over-worked, like me.
I had sent him an e-mail within the last 3 weeks and got no response either. Ah well.
As for Arthur Knaggs, I did speak to him many months ago and found out that he does not own a computer.
He can therefore access messages only when he visits his children's homes elsewhere in Nova Scotia.
I do have a little suggestion, though.
I happen to have preserved a number of Arthur's old O.A.S.I.S. files, which he had been accustomed to send out to the old boys years ago, (O.A.S.I.S. meant, "Overseas Abbey Students in Suspense" or something like that.) I'd be very happy to send you these records, so I'm going to see what I can do about that.
With the current stat of things in Venezuela today, however, I'd be concerned whether they'd even get to you.
What do you think? Also, if you'd want to receive them, please let me have your mailing address.
Keep up the good work. You're doing a fine job, and thanks for doing it.
From :Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Monday, October 6, 2003 5:36PM
THANK YOU, LAS. I'M SORRY TO HEAR ABOUT GABBY. Our classmate Anthony Johnson.
Dear Nigel
I am sorry to report that Gabby has lost the initial enthusiasm about a year ago.
Don has been trying:
1) To get someone of us to do the job.
2) To have his web manager to do it.
His offer is to pay for the first year, and then we would take care the subsequent years.
I suppose each of us would sponsor a year.
I would gladly place the name of the sponsor in my Circulars.
God Bless
From: Nigel Boos <>
Sent: Monday, October 6, 2003 3:29 AM
I'm gonna post the lot to you. Please archive them.
There's no need to return them either.
I just think that this could be a gold mine of information for you.
Good luck and God bless your efforts.
P.S. No news from Gabby as yet? What's going on with him, eh?
From: Nigel Boos
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 07:10:44 -0400
1. No news yet on Ian Smart.
I've asked Robbie Huggins to let me have some news about him, but nothing so far.
2. O.A.S.I.S. ---- Thanks for reminding me. I'll see what I can do.
Part of the problem is that they were originally printed onto "foolscap" paper - which is much larger than an 8 1/2 x 10 sheet, so each page may have to be scanned twice, to get the whole lot.
Alternatively, I could just SEND you the bundle, and you can use it as you see fit.
Please advise.
3. Robbie Huggins' mother died last Tuesday in Trinidad and she was buried on Saturday, September 20th. Robbie also lost his dad in October 2002. He is now the head of his family.
4. No, I've not spoken to Arthur for a LONG time. I'll let you know when I do.
5. Re Gordon and Jack Knaggs - no info, but I know Jack had retired in Trinidad from Amoco, and might have moved to Barbados, to be closer to his wife's family.
Love always,
On Sunday, September 21, 2003, at 03:58 PM,
Nothing new on Ian Smart.
I still get the email returned. 403 616 5788, should have been his telf number.
Also nothing new on the O.A.S.I.S. documents?,
Have you spoken to Arthur???
Do you know the email to Gregory Knaggs and Jack???
Are you getting the Circulars????
God Bless
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz
Bandit p.40 The Early Times
47RL0001RLL,  Robert Llanos
99UN0001KCR, Ken Cross
14LK1091FBPKEFAM, Pablo Kecskemeti family

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Circular No 720

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 22 august 2015 No. 720
Dear Friends,
The Newsletter is short of messages so I have resorted to interchanges that are in Facebook, I am sure that some of you do not read what is going on in Facebook.
I don’t but sometimes I get messages of reference in my emails.
Thus I am taking some of the interference especially when a photo is inserted.
Here is the result.
A photo was posted depicting the Top dormitory; from here you were assigned to the big boys dorm cubicles.
The best way is to look at the photo that I have included
Gerry Campbell Tea time was memorable with dem special buns....hmmmm..always fresh and tasty...
Jerry Bain I could still taste that lime green soft drink... Excel.
Gerry Campbell Fellas, ah enjoying dis....don't stop...our years are different, but we share a common language...only mount boys could understand it
Jerry Bain Yeah, I was up there too, bottom bunk, David Narine was up top. I think "Jinks" was our prefect.
Terrence Ferreira Jerry Bain Yeah! It was a dorm of bunk beds. Both of the Serrao brothers slept there. How come you didn't notice Clements?
Jerry Bain Is that Miguel "small world" Serrao in the black shirt ?
Attila Gyuris Oh yeah.... the Excel soft drink... I had completely forgotten about that one. Tea time at 5 o'clock, soft drinks and buns, with jam inside!
Neil Charles tea time was at 3..or 3:30pm
Neil Charles Dinner was at 6pm
Terrence Ferreira Yes, tea for me was after class at 3pm .... showers at 5pm
Glen G. McKoy we had cubicles, thank you for the photos amigo, cheers Glen.
Terrence Ferreira Cubicles in all the dorms, Glen G. McKoy? We only had cubicles on the right, the volleyball court side on the third floor. The photograph is of the fourth floor.
Attila Gyuris By the time I got in Form V (1968-1969), we all had cubicles in the east side of the 3rd floor dormitories. On both sides and the middle. Mine was on the north (mountain) side window. The other dorms of lower forms did not
Terrence Ferreira Correct..I meant the entire third floor right/east side. You explained it much better Attila Gyuris.
Attila Gyuris When I first got there in 1964, the very top floor in the centre of the main building ( I guess that would be the 4th floor?) was a dormitory for the older boys. This lasted a couple of years, then, after 1966 onwards, that large hall became the General Study Hall, where every student had an assigned top opening wooden desk to keep the books, notebooks and supplies.
If I remember correctly, that was the way it was still when I left in 1969.
Me and Kevan Torry used to spend hours throwing paper airplanes down the hill from those south facing windows.
Attila Gyuris During my first three years there (1964 to 1967) the small boys dormitory was down in the adjacent small downhill building to the East, on the top floor, and just above the nurse's office and the chemistry & physics labs. The small chapel was also there on the south side exactly above the chemistry lab. Then, in Form IV, I got to go into the dorm in the West side of the third floor (the one nearest to the basketball court), then, in Form V (1968-1969), I finally got my cubicle in the East side of the third floor. 
I remember the head prefect that school year was Paul Quesnel, and he got a cubicle that was a veritable "suite" compared to the rest, with a south facing bay window with a grand view of the Caroni plain.
Terrence Ferreira So Mount boarded less students? My brother Ronald and I went from the small dorm by the chapel to the top floor, and then skipping the basketball side on the third floor, we went straight to the prized cubicles. We had the first cubicle on the right as you went up the three or four steps. We were on the right just before the shoe rack and its toe jam. The top dorm, the 4th floor was all bunk beds and a prefect cubicle by the washbasins. The small guy at the bottom right of the photograph is Ronald.
Gerry Campbell What colour were the lockers?....cream and green?
Terrence Ferreira I recall the cream.
Gerry Campbell Attila and Terrence, I really appreciate the .....history from 64 to 67....because, it gives me an idea of things before I appeared on the scene in 68..We are...mount boys..really fortunate to be part of this, It is truly amazing.
Gerry Campbell I used to disappear down by the physics and biology labs, right outside the infirmary’ door, on that concrete bench.....with a great view of the caroni plains and piarco read, read and read. I was a......fanatic, but I enjoyed it 4 so!
Terrence Ferreira During my time instead of Paul Quesnel ... the senior dorm was run by Father Eugene who at the end of one term just up and left the priesthood. We figured he flew to England but I wished it was Mars. I disliked that man with a passion. It was perhaps around 1963 or early 1964 (not sure when) that Father Gregory/Duck, our Sports Master at that time and replacement for Brother Vincent/Roberts who also left Mount, occupied the cherished room at the far end of the dorm
Sadly, although I understood the reasons for Brother Vincent's departure I never got over it. To me everyone else was second best. Also he took our Sports Days with him ... a huge void in 1962, 63, 64 and even in 1965, the year I left.
Terrence Ferreira No-no I'm incorrect, it was Father Bernard/Bobo sleeping in the cherished room. Eugene was running the dorm on the basketball side.
Attila Gyuris During my first year in Prep A (1964-1965) I was in the small boys dorm in the small East building, and Bobo had the private room at the far end of our dorm. 
During my senior year in Form V (1968-1969) , if I remember correctly, Fr Duck had the private room in the back of the senior dorm with the cubicles
Terrence Ferreira When I arrived in 59 Bobo was running the small dorm. Perhaps around 60/61 he made way for Big Gianetti who then left and Jeff Herrera ran it until he left ...Attila Gyuris you have Bobo after Herrera. Gianetti shared out lines like crazy but we deserved them lol .... no talking the in dorm. What a thing ... that's my recollection.
Terrence Ferreira Attila Gyuris what House were you in? I’m trying to place you.
Terrence Ferreira... but wasn't there two special rooms in the Small Dorm? Thinking about it when my brother Ronald and I arrived in the Small Dorm both Gianetti and Bobo were in it. Gianetti in the front room left of the front door and Bobo down the way at the back. Now, was there a door back there to the Chapel? My memory isn't very clear on this stuff.
Terrence Ferreira Duck came to the Senior dorm whilst we Ferreiras were there. I believe he was after Bobo, .... perhaps 1964.
Terrence Ferreira Roger Gianetti?
Terrence Ferreira I'm attending a funeral in Toronto tomorrow, however when I return I'll try to place you in one of our group photographs, almost the entire school, in 1965. Saint Anthony, ..Attila Gyuris I assume Harry Laughlin was your first football star.
These exchanges were the comments on the photos of a Reunion for Glen Schaefer’s visit to Ian Gomes’ home.
Keith Allen Ah pack ah cards
Gerry Campbell Wait nah!...Bunty is meh real bro.....he and me grew up....he from blue range in diego....tell him Gerry said to layout the 5star treatment....fuh meh mount bros......signed Gerry...
Neil Charles Smokey and Bunty? I hate that rum shop...ok, next time I am in T'dad I will get 30+ guys to invite.
Neil Charles I always do when I am in T' forget or what?
Keith Allen Ah pack ah cards
Rory Davies Zephryn rolling sumting dey ah wah?..
Ian Gomes Neil Charles 3 people going by Smokey and Bunty to drink beers is not e REAL reunion. when yuh get more than 30 mount boys together for a lunch or lime then yuh could talk reunion. I know we are a dying breed, but the organisation of food, drinks entertainment and a location for such a gathering is only the tip of the iceberg man.
Alfredo Montiel Bezara Nice to read your chat ! Keep up ! 
Ian Gomes WTF you come and do it.
Neil Charles LMAO..if a bunch of school girls can organize a reunion, I don't know why we mount boys can't.
Ian Gomes boy you know wha kinna pressure dat is?
Neil Charles So why not try and organize a small reunion, I will come down for it.
Neil Charles I will be there in June, but Krishna and Skippy will be there in July,
Ian Gomes Yep we looking to go by Thomas Pegus in La Lune, Moruga. Neil and Skippy ah hope all yuh could be here man.
Neil Charles Make sure and give him a sampath, it will bring back memories for him
Neil Charles Is Pegus you guys planning to meet with?
Neil Charles Please don't plan and then cancel, I know two mount boys that will be in T'dad in late july, if it turn out to be a big lime, i will come down for it.
Harold Imamshah back home?...oops, sorry I didn't realize that you weren't living here in T & T...we'll see then...if it's Aug 7th
Glen Schaefer Aug 7th? The guys back home will have a firmer date
Glen Schaefer Nice Pig would like dat. Yes Father La Lune in Moruga. planning a lime with one of our Abbey brothers.
Harold Imamshah La Lune in Moruga
Keith Allen Ian, Joe, Zeph, Milton. And other
Glen Schaefer Who else going down Laloon?
Keith Allen Skip ya miss ah good one Next one is down Laloon in July
Glen Schaefer Nice man
Neil Charles Ok, they go over fish Grenada just now..
Ian Gomes Boy we does get dat from Grenada. Price Smart does sell it.
Neil Charles Dem fellas belly big enough, they ain't want beer.
Neil Charles T'dad still have conch?
Ian Gomes Lime had start around 5.30 and went till midnight. Glen Schaefer, Neil Charles allyuh right Zeph not drinking any alcohol for lent so d beers ah buy stay right dey in d ice had to put all in d fridge. Joe and another partner deal with d XM 10 and Garth d Johnny Black. Also food remain except for d curry lambie (Sea Conchs).
Neil Charles Skippy, dem fellas look like they eat and drink too much, is a bed they were thinking of.
Neil Charles I think cards was the # 1 thing that was sold at the bursars office. I played enough all-fours at the mount.
Glen Schaefer Zeph eh drinking fuh Lent
Nathaniel Sampath Time to take a drink
Glen Schaefer All four licks does make yuh look dat way
Salvador Coscarart Feeling no pain, now. but wait till morning, jejejejejej,
Ian Gomes Nah. All fours in progress. Garth and I sit there and beat all comers till we get tired.
Harold Imamshah look dazed to
Neil Charles Why dem fellas looking so mad/rum done?
Ian Gomes yes glen. That's Milton. still fit and yes he was a good runner.
Glen G. McKoy dat is Milton with the beard right, boy he could run, I remember running on the mount, always trying to catch up with Milton, cheers my brothers Glen'\
Glen Schaefer Yuh know I supposed to be yuh partner but ah see yuh pick ah good one Garth 
Enjoy the photos,  Ladislao kertesz,
Bandit p39 The Early Times
15LK1241FBREUNION, Ian Gomes reunion
15LK1511FBREUNION, Ian Gomes reunion
99IF0001FIL, Life and times article Fr. Ildefonse
99NL0001NLLWFEp.2 Page two letter Llanos
10JK0092  p.5  Jan Koendraat part 5