Saturday, 28 November 2015

Circular No 734

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 28 November 2015 No. 734
Dear Friends,
I must comment that the following is an exercise from those that got mesmerized on the purest Catholic faith, as we got from our stay at The Abbey School, and those that are on the other extreme, non-believers to these ideas.
I am in the between group, because I have met many worshipers from other religions and tried to understand their beliefs.
My mother was a Calvinist, my father was Catholic, and in those days, 1941, the Catholic Church required that for them to marry the “disfaithful” had to sign a letter in which promised that the future children must take up the Catholic religion.
During my University time in the Catholic University of America, we had a course, in which a Catholic Jesuit Theologian with a Doctorate degree, give us a run down on the myths and fibulae of the Bible. He warned us that during the semester what we were to experience would be disconcerting but at the same time gratifying because he assured us that it would make us better functioning human beings.
And yes, he opened my eyes to the effect that when we finished, I was bewildered as to the future of my Catholic faith, he destroyed the foundations over which I truly believed that my faith was built upon.
I had to start rebuilding my Old Catholic faith to the New Catholic faith using the new information and tools. It was not difficult but it opened up new horizons and made me free to accept the teachings and accept other religions
Did this make me a BETTER Catholic of the purest form, NO, but it made me a more balanced individual.
I read books and participated in other religious faiths services, in all cases as an observer or a curious human, and this moulded my particular faith based on the Old Catholic faith. I have a modified faith under special rules, my motto “trying to help others as I would like others to help me”.
I did not want to write this, but I wanted you to know that I too have a special way of looking at religion or atheism. I also have arguments against atheism based on a simple mathematical assumption, zero just as infinity, do not exist. Either are extremes, zero is nothing ??  or it is an extremely small number??  Just as the other is an extremely large number.
Thus Atheism is a way of saying, “not being committed to a religion” and since religion is acknowledged then the atheist have something of a minimalistic religion, each to his own,
PPS. Don,
I am disturbed that you continue in your rejection of one of the most important tenets of our Christian faith - belief in the Holy Spirit - and, it would seem, from your previous correspondence, belief in the entirety of the Christian faith. It would not be the first time, unfortunately, that someone who had received a Catholic education had rejected the teaching of the Church in which he/she had been baptized. I am very sorry to know this, and I shall keep you in my prayers. Perhaps others might like to join me in this little prayer time?
I believe that Jesus really died, after he had been brutally whipped, crowned with thorns, carried a heavy cross on his bleeding back, been nailed to the cross, hung for three hours and eventually expired through loss of blood and asphyxiation. I believe that he was truly buried in haste because of the imminent Sabbath hours. I believe that three days later, exactly as he had foretold, when the women who had accompanied him returned to his tomb to embalm his body and were wondering who would roll back the tombstone for them, they found it already rolled back and that Jesus’ body was no longer there, in spite of a Roman guard having been placed at the site, to prevent the possible theft of his body by his disciples.
Apart from his verbal claims, his teachings, his prophecies and his miracles, the fact of Jesus’ resurrection is the most important single proof of his claim to divinity. If Jesus had not been raised from the dead, then the faith of Christians is nonsense. He had predicted his death and resurrection, and this is extremely important, as you would be aware, in your professional capacity as a Magistrate.
I believe that Jesus appeared on a number of occasions to his disciples in his resurrected body, and on one occasion, to more than 500 people at the same time. I believe that Thomas, one of his disciples, refused to accept the thought of his resurrection when told about it by his friends, the rest of the group of apostles, unless he could put his fingers into the wounds of Jesus and into the hole in his side, caused by the thrust of a lance. I believe that Jesus immediately stood before him and invited him to do just that. I believe that Thomas was so overcome by this realization that a man who had died was alive and talking to him a few days after his death, that he confessed him to be “My Lord  and My God”.
I believe that God does not and cannot lie. He is diametrically opposed to sin, and therefore, if Jesus has told us about his Father and the Holy Spirit - “Go. Baptize in the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit” - then the Holy Spirit is a fact. The Holy Spirit lives and is continually active in the life of the Church and of the world.
Your friend.
From: Don Mitchell
There isn’t any holy spirit, George, that is just a silly myth.  
In my case, there is only someone with an obsessive personality who decides to obsess over the Circular like Ladislao does. I don’t know any of the younger generation who has any interest in this exercise. But, perhaps Kazim or Glen does.
Keep well.
Don Mitchell <>
Nov 30 at 3:22 PM
Hi, Ladislao,
The guys seem to think that you have given up.
What would you like me to do about the two latest Circulars that are awaiting your correction before they can be put up on the Blog?
Keep well.
Glen Mckoy <>
Nov 30 at 2:44 PM
Dear Sirs, 
Thank you all for your honest replies. I too have my beliefs; however our beliefs should be our personal business and shared with those that share same. We are the alumni of a Catholic school; however we are not a church.    Our members share equal status and respect despite what their beliefs; we had Hindus, Muslims a couple of Jews. Atheist & Christians students.
Should any of us have personal opinions, we should be very careful of the impact, it can have on our group.
Now with Transfer of Responsibility.   Please put me down to take it over, if no one step up to the plate.
I have a very busy life, however, I will try to do what I can. I will try to find others to help as we have many brothers that matter, we are not looking for numbers, we are looking for the best, in honour, loyalty and connection, if you not connected with us and it’s your choice to be out of the loop. We have a wonderful group of very interesting brothers. Some of us are happy with how things are shaping out, even if it’s just saying hello to a buddy on the other side of the world, but thru our media networks this is possible.
I am surprise that some of our most embarrassing situations, were by boys that are now over 65 years old.
Now some of the worst disagreement are from some our most educated & senior brothers.  I don't know why this is how it is, may be because they were the boys that were flogged, they have more resentment, still carrying old grudges, anyhow none of this will be tolerated and all such emails will be deleted. We are gentlemen and we demand the upmost respect of each other, I don't care who you are, the Club comes first, your opinion 2nd. This is what baffles me, we have about four brothers over 80 yrs old, just love what's going on, then we have guys in their early 70's saying, we don't have an Alumni, well we at the Club, do pay attention to our numbers which is over 111 connected member, and that's only face book. 
Wishing all a wonderful day, thank you for just being here, the fire is still burning strong,  Long Live The Mount.
Best Regards To All Knights - we are looking only for a few good men,
Adios, Glen.  
Don Mitchell <>
Nov 16 at 5:14 PM
Hello, Nigel,
No, I don’t think there is anything about religion that I fear. Obeah is based on no truth at all, and is complete stupidness.  Its believers and their rituals are entitled to the same respect as the believers and rituals of any other faith, ie, none. 
Prayer has been proved to be very effective. It works by acting on the brain, and stimulating the body’s auto immune mechanisms into play. Prayer is wonderful, for believers. So are the placebo tablets handed out by doctors, and the homeopathic potions handed out by quacks to their faithful. None of it is based on science, and is therefore worthless to those who are not filled with the necessary faith.
Keep well.
Don Mitchell <>
Nov 13 at 1:13 PM
Hi, Nigel,
I don’t like it when anyone tries to put obeah on me. It is some sort of violent reaction. I don’t know. I must be sensitive to superstition, I suppose.
Keep well.
Jon Golding <>
Nov 13 at 4:56 PM
I think out of respect for the majority, if not all, of the other members of this virtual club of old boys, you should keep your disbeliefs to yourself or on another blog.  
I know you and your wife have been professed atheists for many years.
But we who continue to keep in touch, and cherish the memories of our growing up days at MSB, (and thanks Joe for the great photo), would like to maintain out ‘faith’ in brotherhood and forgiveness for all the shit and shitongs we had to put up with on the mount for so many years; and not getting any parenting love from the monks (thank God for that by the way!!!).
Boarding school was really where we were sentenced by our parents. But most of us not only survived but grew up as strong-character young men which is what had made us who we are today. And the peer to peer evaluations we make on one another, through blogs like this one, are where humility, generosity and honour are shared and respected.
We all have egos and like to show off from time to time but when the chips are down are we really buddies who any of us can rely on?
Sad to hear about Laz and the Benny Whaler disaster but we must offer a hand to our devoted brother and help him in any way we can.
Any suggestions?
So if you want to profess you un-faith then do so among your like-minded friends and family but please leave it out of our commentary.
I meant to write tis note to you a long time ago. But today I’ve has enough and I know I speak for many who prefer not to articulate their feelings.
Don, I really love you as a Special Bro’ and we cannot escape our bonded relationship of well over half a century! No matter how angry or disappointed we may become with each other.
And I feel the same way with so many who are in this circle who were part of my growing up on the hill!
I believe we are all going to meet up again in the next life and I look forward to that very much.
As a terminal cancer temporary survivor I have made my peace with the Good Lord and thank Him (and the Holy Spirit) every day for the answer to trivial daily prayers I make which continue to amaze me at how they are answered. These are no ‘coincidences’ since they are far too many to count over the past 5 years when I went under the knife!
Do forgive me if I pray for your restoration to our family of faith. Something pretty bad must have caused your turnaround but it ain’t over yet.
God bless you and I know we will meet up again in eternity.
Warm regards
From: Joseph Berment-McDowald []
Sent: 13 November 2015 18:00
I thought that you would have some interest in this exchange of correspondence.
On Nov 13, 2015, at 8:50 AM,
Hi Guys
Have been reflecting on Don’s note while waiting for a potential reply from Ladislao.
My suggestion is that we need to transition to a new owner of the Circulars, or whatever is deemed to be the most valued communication mode, while the major original creators/leaders/supporters are still around to assist in the transition (Ladislao, Don, Nigel, etc.). my believe that this transition would be appreciated and valued by the original creators.
Ideally, new owner would be a member of the last graduating class or so……highest probability of being alive for the next few decades…..but has to have love, value, pride for the Abbey School and all who walked in that beautiful mountain environment.
My simple thoughts after reading the tea leaves and recognizing where we are today versus 15 years ago when this tremendous effort was initiated.
May the Holy Spirit inspire and guide our alumni group in this resolution,
Don Mitchell <>
Nov 13 at 9:27 PM
Hi, Jon,
Good to hear from you, as always. 
The only appropriate response is the one I gave Nigel earlier, but which is not in Joe’s circular. It is:
I don’t like it when anyone tries to put obeah on me.  It is some sort of violent reaction.  I don’t know.  I must be sensitive to superstition, I suppose.
Keep well.
Please, George,  don’t include me in any future obeah incantations.
Nov 15 at 7:22 AM
Hey Don
I did not know what “obeah” meant, so I google it:
Obeah (sometimes spelled Obi, Obea, or Obia), is a term used in the West Indies to refer to folk magic, sorcery, and religious practices developed among West African slaves, specifically of Igbo origin. Obeah is similar to other Afro-American religions including Palo, Vodou, Santería, and Hoodoo
Am I to interpret that these are your spiritual related beliefs and practices today?
Not trying to “convert” you……Just trying to understand where you are coming from, my good brother,
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz
Send information to:,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
Bandit p58x p59 The Early Times
13LK6983FBPKEFAM, Pablo Kecskemeti and Family
72HH0889HHO, Howard Ho

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Circular No 733

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 21 November 2015 No. 733
Dear Friends,
Emails follow.
Glen Mckoy <>
Oct 12 at 2:38 AM
My Brother & Friend, Sir Joe Berment, (Chairman: Abbey School Alumni, Trinidad).
Thank you for sharing this email with us. 
So glad to see, some movements are happening again on our dear Mount St. Benedict. 
It is so wonderful, to read this news from the Fr. Abbot. 
We are at his mercy, as he remains the protector & keeper of our Castle.  
We look forward to hearing more, of this positive and future development.  
It is also good to see the young people who are taking pride in the area.  
 Sports, is where we all developed on the Mount. 
A good place to start. Cheers.
Please Thank & let Fr. Abbot know, that he has our entire Alumni behind him, just waiting to be accessed in whatever way, we can be of assistance, within our means. Time is limited & precious, united we stand.  God bless you my brother, keep the fire burning.  
Best Regards
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 01:06:36 +0000
I say that we must congratulate the Abbot and community on his incredible persuasiveness in accomplishing what I know Fr. Cuthbert and Fr. Odo (deceased) had tried to with the water supply for at least 40 years and also their insightful generous sense of neighbourliness in formally making the football field accessible to the people of the village. 
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 00:10:08 -0700
18 October 02:40
The sound of silence. An Invisible Tribe - Thank you for seeking, Cheers Glen.
14 October 05:50
Forgot it
14 October 03:12
Sir George why the silence ?
10 October 04:39
Sir George, a few had the exact same dream. Sir Arthur Knaggs, Sir Nigel Boos, Sir Ladislao Kertesz, Sir David Decastro, Sir Jon Golding, ID Mitch Sir Don, the writers of the knights, many others, the real silent knights, Sir Kazim, myself, no one ever asked any of us, to do what we do, did you know that, we all had a dream, and we knew what to do, seriously, no one ever talked about it before, until you asked, the past, present & future my brother, the dreamer, read the story again, it was written many moons ago. Sir Trevor Evelyn, he is a great dreamer also & Sir Phil. They always pray for our Collective Peace. The First Circle. Cheers Glen.
8 October 01:59
Keep on dreaming Sir George, that's what start me writing a few years ago, but ah eh getting no more dreams, Cheers Glen.
7 October 18:08
7 October 15:33
AB/MSB - Do you ever dream about the mount in the past, present or future? Last night had one set sometime in the future about some kind of celebration...could not recognize anyone.
Nov 18 at 2:53 PM
Good question. I wonder too. I can’t remember experiencing any discrimination against others who weren’t Catholic, but perhaps I was too blind to see. Maybe others can correct me on this.
At the same time, I too have a question:
Does anyone remember ever having a Catechism Class?
Was the Catechism of the day (I think it was called the “Penny Catechism”) even on the required book list for us students?
In fact, does anyone remember ever attending a Spiritual Retreat?
If so, when? Where?
I do remember attending one retreat; actually, I guess it was when I was in Form 5 in 1960, when Fr. Peter Nicholson C.S.Sp. presented it to us?
5 years at MSB. One (1) retreat! 
Poor record, I’d say. (If anyone can correct this impression, I’d appreciate it, and I’ll swallow my words.)
Nov 18 at 3:57 PM
Yeah, good question.
I cannot remember any non-catholics at Mount, quite homogenous.
I think even the personnel were catholic and all teachers.
At home we would play with a few Protestants.
After Mount I attended a public boy-girl school with mainly non-catholic, Hernhutter, Protestant, Luther, maybe some Jews.
But we were not confronted with religion at that school.
On my first job, feminist women and headons, no religion.
Oh boy, did I miss you guys then. I think I am not the only one with lack of preparation for this non-religious environment?
Catechism? Yes I got it in prep school in Surinam.
Why are you on earth?
I am on earth to serve God and therefore go to heaven.
First time I saw retreat was when some brother stayed in the bush at MSB for some weeks.
They said he had doubts for his future at the monastery, so he did it for soul-searching.
That was new for me. Now I see popular feminists do it. Ha ha.
Have fun you guys.
Lots of bad stuff going on in France.
Getting close bye, watching tv all day.
The website of Daily Mail give a lot of good pictures/video.
Or Live Leak with stuff not shown on news.
Best wishes
Jan Koenraadt.
gyuris <>
Good question
I suspect not too many, ...if any...
I would think being a baptized Catholic was a requirement to attend a Catholic boarding school run by a strict monastic order, wasn't it?  
Also it would be best in order to avoid any potential problems and /or allegations of discrimination.
Religious homogeneity is always one way to avoid those kinds of issues. 
Perhaps it was voluntarily relaxed (or legally mandated?) later on in the interest of enrolling more students? 
Anybody know?
Attila Gyuris
Old boy 1964-1969
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 7:41 AM
Subject: I Wonder...How Many Non-Catholics Attended Our School?
This question came to mind in lieu of all the religious related wars that have occurred in the past and are taking place now……Never personally experienced any religious related animosities nor other negative issues while at the Mount from 1956 till 1962.
Something from Circular No. 62 the first of year 2003
Remember, those with check books, it is 2003!!!. Those who do not write checks, no problem, cash is accepted everywhere and the date is not a matter of importance except those going to or in Europe. Those with no cash in/out of the bank should not bother with the above warning.
Just as I did last year I am going to try to recall one of the yearly events that happened at the Mount, I recall the large grasshoppers that arrived in the evening during January every year; these were green with orange coloured, size of a hand. We used to kick them once they settled on the ground and run to avoid being jumped. I always found them rather disgusting because you never knew where they would land. There were those that would try to hold them by the hind legs (Goddards?) and in the process get cut with the sharp leg barbs. It is interesting that they would arrive by nightfall and next day they would disappear, I suppose they looked for the lights. The invasion lasted about three days.
Maybe someone else has observed these creatures and would confirm???.
In my last Circular I included my Terminal Report of December 1955, and from your answers, no one had a better one!!!. Now I am including the Receipts for that period, maybe this would satisfy those that wanted to know the cost of tuition at the most expensive school of the island. The Receipt consisted of three pieces of paper, so here they are.
In those days the USD was 4.00 Bolivars to the USD and 2.00 Bolivars to the TT dollar. So doing calculus, Fr. Paul would have been proud; the TT Dollar was 2.00 to the USD.
Nigel Boos <>
Nov 13 at 12:08 PM
Good luck, George.
I handed over my bit about a year ago to Kazim, and I presume he’s maintaining it. I wish you well with your effort to transfer responsibility, but I’m not sure that the younger crowd have that kind of love and pride in the Mount which we had developed in the earlier years. As I said, good luck
I’m forwarding your note too, to Arthur Knaggs, who was the Original Mover of the action such as you contemplate. I know that Laz has done a fab job over the years, but I feel that the political situation in Venezuela must be causing him worry and demanding much valuable time, which might be in short supply for him. We should all remember our friends in Venezuela in our prayers, as times are rough for them all.
Thanks for keeping me in the loop.
Azizul Mohammed <>
Dec 6 at 3:26 PM
Hey Don,
I just bought your book on Amazon I promise to start reading in the New Year.
Stay healthy my brother.
Azizul Kenny Mohammed
Realtor/REO/Pre-foreclosure Sales
Property Valuations
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2015 20:05:02 -0400
Hi, Bandit,
I was not bowing out by that message!! I was only telling Ladislao, from whom we have not heard for over a month, that I would understand if he was leaving future communications to the young “Old Boys” to continue the correspondence on Facebook, etc, and if he no longer had any emails to share with us in a circular. He has replied to explain that he is okay, but a bit stressed out with the situation in Venezuela. He is off to Colombia to try to shake up a bit of work, and promises to send me another Circular or two when he gets back.
I have promised that whenever he sends me one, I’ll post it.
I may have sounded a bit mordant, but that is just the style of an elderly gent facing the inevitable. I am sure we are all there, or approaching there, even though I know you have a decade or two more to go.
Hope you get the meds and insurance sorted out. Maggie and I pay US$8,000.00 per year for our health insurance. It is killing me to have to pay that much. On top of that is an extra US500.00 for the air ambulance to take me off to Puerto Rico when I am dying. Needless to say, I have no intention of ever using the service. However, it keeps Maggie happy, so I bear it all and smile while signing the cheque.
Keep well.
PS: Did you know that the psychiatrists have long ago reported that moving house is as stressful, ulcer inducing, and heart attack causing, as a divorce or a death in the family?  Why would you do such a dangerous thing as relocate?
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz
Bandit p56x p57 The Early Times
School receipt 1955, 1,2,3,
13LK4443FBACH, Alan Chandler
62WB0023WVB, Wayne Vincent Brown